
How do I change WHOIS privacy options?

WHOIS/Domain privacy is included free of charge for .ca domains registered to "Canadian...

How do I change my nameservers?

From the Client Area, click Domains: Then click anywhere in the row of the domain you wish to...

How do I enable or disable auto-renew for my domains?

From the Client Area, click Domains: Next click anywhere in the row of the domain you wish to...

How do I get the EPP code for my domain? (Also known as authorization code)

From our Client Area, click on Domains:Then click anywhere in the row of the domain you wish to...

How do I make bulk changes?

From our Client Area, click on Domains:You will see a list of your domains. Check the boxes next...

How do I manage DNS entries?

Please note that this article is for clients who only have domain registration with us, and no...

How do I register a new domain?

From the Client Area, click Domains:On the left side you'll see a list of "Actions" - click on...

How do I renew my domain?

From within our client area, click on Domains:On the left side you'll see the list of actions....

How do I set domain forwarding / add a redirect for my domain

Please note that this article is for clients who only have domain registration with us and no web...

How do I update the WHOIS information for my domain?

Log into your Client Area, then click on Domains:Click anywhere in the row of the domain you wish...

How do I use my domain with GitHub?

You can add the required DNS entries to connect your domain to GitHub via our DNS Manager. For...